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[Eng. ‘to int’]

To deliberately lose in a computer game, especially a team-based one. The verb comes from the English noun ‘inting/int,’ coined by League of Legends players from the phrase ‘intentional feeding,’ which in this context means ‘feeding the enemy.’ Players who engage in inting, especially at the beginning of the game, are called ‘inters’ or, more generally, ‘trolls’.

Examples of usage:
[own translation]

1. If I could soft int a game with around 7,000 viewers and still not get banned on my account to this day, it means the system is not working, and riot should do something about it asap@ /https://twitter.com/rybson__/status/1300059514608193537/.
2. OK, so I showed some inted games, and based on that you can indeed say that my attitude towards games is crappy and that I’m arrogant ‘cause I brag about it on wykop. Plus the thought process is trolling = unskilled is wrong, so tayler1 is a crappy hardstuck too, right? /https://www.wykop.pl/wpis/26218669/ten-uczuc-kiedy-nudzi-ci-sie-tryhardowanie-i-sobie/.
3. Don’t int, or we’ll lose /a teenager’s comment/

Ilość słów: 175


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