wołowina / beef
Dodano: 11 December 2024 przez Anita Jagun‘argument, dispute, quarrel’
To have beef with someone means having a quarrel or being in conflict with another person.
English: beef [biːf] – beef, colloquially: argument, complaint
The word has been noted in youth slang since 2009. However, it previously had a different meaning – ‘stupidity, nonsense’. To act like beef or to do something beef meant doing something stupid (https://www.miejski.pl/slowo-%C5%9Awirowa%C4%87+wo%C5%82owin%C4%99)
Examples of usage:
- There’s going to be beef /wołowina /overheard/
- Oh! You’re going to have beef! /overheard/
- Let’s see how many people turn away after the beef, and the real ones will stay #viral /https://www.tiktok.com/@babykondzio/video/7321852262228315425
- Why do they have beef /https://www.tiktok.com/@babykondzio/video/7321852262228315425
- Have beef – mieć wołowinę / have a problem / dispute with sb. / https://twitter.com/nazwiskaiskroty/status/557160867339726848
Ilość słów: 139