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wiedzieć, co jest 5


Wiem, co jest 5.

‘to understand, to know what’s going on’

This phrase, in this meaning, was already noted in 2007 (see Miejski.pl), appeared in hip-hop song lyrics, but gained renewed popularity in 2020 after ZBUKU released an album and single titled „Wiem, co jest 5”.

Examples of usage:

  1. – Can you handle it?
    – No problem, I know what’s up (Wiem, co jest 5) /overheard/
  2. I always know what’s up (Wiem, co jest 5) / I do what moves me / https://genius.com/Lewy-zawsze-wiem-co-jest-5-lyrics
  3. When I don’t know what’s up (Wiem, co jest 5) and the mercury is rising and I’d rather just lie down here https://genius.com/Ona-i-webber-bez-mapy-lyrics
  4. ZBUKU / Olee – Wiem Co Jest 5! / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYYcibza_xQ.
  5. SB accepted me, I know what’s up(Wiem, co jest 5) and what hip-hop is / /https://genius.com/Piotr-zwierzynski-polski-rap-a-pika-nozna-annotated
  6. Sorry, who the hell is he anyway? Didn’t get it for free. Someone smart knows what’s up, cheers / https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0fPGAXByQ3yLciGE3iAcQ3nYHH8SBpVNygASe74mtUb
Ilość słów: 168


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