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A combination of the words “weeaboo” (an obsessive fan of Japanese culture, especially Japanese comics, animated films, and related computer games, see also  mangozjeb ) and “Wehrmacht” (the armed forces of Nazi Germany).

A “wehraboo” is a person who believes that the Wehrmacht was the best military formation in history and that this army had no flaws. People referred to as wehraboos tend to assess certain historical facts tendentiously, often ignoring their context to portray the Nazi German army in a positive light. Many of them are Nazi apologists, as well as Holocaust deniers or people who downplay the number of its victims. Wehraboos often participate in discussions on various historical and military forums and in online games with World War II themes.

Examples of usage:

  1. Why do wehraboos not understand the concept of altitude advantage, and in most matches, the higher altitudes are mainly occupied by the Allies? /https://www.wykop.pl/wpis/59724875/dlaczego-wehraboo-nie-rozumieja-koncepcji-przewagi/
  2. Do you know any wehraboo who isn’t a jerk? /https://twitter.com/GeneralOlo_/status/1473326300030976001?s=20/


Ilość słów: 170


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