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A verb meaning ‘to try too hard to achieve something; to strive intensely to prove one’s worth in a particular field.’ It is derived from the English “to try hard” and was popularized by computer gamers who put in great effort to win (“tryhard” – a player who wants to win at any cost). The verb “(try) hardzić,” with the same meaning, is also in use.

Example of usage:

[own translation:]

  1. You don’t have to trajhardować [Eng. try hard] so much, it’s just a match for fun, not the world championships /overheard/
  2. This is what maximum tryhardowanie [Eng. tryharding] in LoL looks like /https://boop.pl/league-of-legends/tak-wyglada-maksymalne-tryhardowanie-w-lolu-czyli-automatyczne-przypominanie-o-patrzeniu-na-mape
  3. I just fought Margit for 2:30 hours. No, I didn’t win. I think I need to level up. I should’t try hardzić [Eng. ‘tryhard’] at level eleven /https://twitter.com/TheGerald39/status/1511139325651607570.
Ilość słów: 139


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