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’style, styling, interesting styling, favorite activities’ The phrase to have stilo describes a fashionable, stylish way of dressing and spending time, replacing the once popular – to have a style (cf. the song by the band Trzeci Wymiar. The form of the word refers to the pronunciation of the Italian stilo – ’rysik’, but in Esperanto the word stilo means ‘style’.

Examples of use:

  1. Pissed off, check my stilo / One in a million, DGE, PDG, I’m going with a homily / https://genius.com/Donguralesko-stilo-lyrics
  2. I play this, because this is my stilo / Tell these morons here that:/ It’s time for them to wrap up / / https://teksciory.interia.pl/aleshen-feat-white-widow-giera-tekst-piosenki,t,694087.html
  3. Not bad stilo, Zuza! /H/
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