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seriously [variants: srl/ srsly/ srly].

an abbreviation for the English word seriously used, usually ironically, to express surprise or disbelief. It occurs most often in the written, conversational variety of language, e.g. in posts, entries, online comments.

Examples of usage:

  1. srsl, and we pay them /https://www.tiktok.com/@nowickikacper/video/7347318207319002401
  2. Srsrl!!! http://instagram.com/p/qRe0dwTTqb/ https://twitter.com/Sparkyslunchbox/status/487235284808237057
  3. What does srsly mean ?  -Seriously  – rly?/ https://zapytaj.onet.pl/Category/001,003/2,24797482,Co_to_znaczy_srsly_.html
  4. You said yes? SRL ??? / from a conversation on Messenger /.
Ilość słów: 90


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