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[someone or something] is my Roman Empire

‘someone or something is the centre of attention or an object of interest and admiration’

The expression originated from a trend that emerged on Tik Tok in 2023 – How often do you think of the Roman Empire? It gained popularity after a video by user @theyaresam_. The author said that she had seen many videos that showed men’s interest in the Roman Empire (some men even thought about it several times a day). The woman decided to ask her boyfriend about it as well. His statement confirmed this supposition.

The expression changed its form. It evolved to Ty jesteś/Coś jest moim Imperium Rzymskim [Eng. You are / Something is my Roman Empire], which means:  you are/something is the object of my thought, interest or admiration.

See also:

  1. Bortniak A.,  Zapytaj swojego faceta o Imperium Rzymskie. O co chodzi z nowym trendem na TikToku?,  [Ask your guy about the Roman Empire. What’s the deal with the new trend on TikTok?], online: https://rozrywka.spidersweb.pl/nowy-trend-na-tiktoku-o-co-chodzi-z-imperium-rzymskim (accessed 2.04.2024)
  2. Nowak M., [Jak często myślisz o Imperium Rzymskim? Viralowy trend podbija świat], How often do you think about the Roman Empire? Viral trend conquers the world, online: https://nowymarketing.pl/jak-czesto-myslisz-o-imperium-rzymskim-viralowy-trend-podbija-swiat/ (accessed 2.04.2024)


Examples of usage:

  1. Moim Imperium Rzymskim jest informatyka [My Roman Empire is IT] /heard on 31.03.2024/.
  2. Moim imperium rzymskim jest ten jeden chłopak. Czy chociaż przez chwilę za mną tęsknił, czy czasem mysli o tym zeby do mnie znow napisać, czy coś faktycznie do mnie czuł i dlaczego nie potrafił zrozumieć ile dla mnie znaczy i jak bardzo mi na nim zależało / [My Roman empire is this one boy. Did he miss me for at least a moment, does he sometimes think about writing to me again, did he actually feel something for me and why couldn’t he understand how much he meant to me and how much I cared about him /] https://www.tiktok.com/@zuskaqa/video/7340715291170655521 / (accessed 2.04.2024)
  3. Książki, które są moim imperium rzymskim [Books that are my Roman Empire] / https://www.tiktok.com/@gadkiszmatkimartini/video/7311436675085765920 / (accessed 2.04.2024)
  4. Ty jesteś moim Imperium Rzymskim. [You are my Roman Empire.] / https://dziendobry.tvn.pl/styl-zycia/mlodziezowy-slang-czy-znasz-znaczenie-tych-modnych-slow-st7520116 / (accessed 2.04.2024)
  5. co jest kobiecym IMPERIUM RZYMSKIM, czyli o czym myślą kobiety. / [What is a woman’s ROMAN EMPIRE, or what women think about.] / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JnKiC1x-Rg / (accessed 2.04.2024)
  6. Moje imperium rzymskie czyli zdrada  [My Roman empire – betrayal] / https://www.tiktok.com/@raganspam/video/7343192576285084960 / (accessed 2.04.2024)



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