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Słuchamy, nie oceniamy

[Eng.”We listen and we don’t judge”‘]

‘a phrase used when discussing secrets and revealed (usually embarrassing) behaviors; it is a direct translation of the English expression “We listen and we don’t judge”‘

It refers to a social media trend (primarily on TikTok) and an online challenge (see also: We listen and we don’t judge), which gained popularity at the end of 2024The trend originated in South Africa in 2024. One of the first videos, “We Listen, We Don’t Judge”, was posted on Instagram[1] by user “thestanlley1” on April 21, 2024.

The game is based on the concept that people in a close relationship share secrets or difficult emotions with each other. One interlocutor confesses to a specific kind of disloyalty, negligence, or repeated dishonesty. For example: “When you ask me to do something, I don’t do it because I don’t want to”. The other person should only listen to it and refrain from judgment. Then, they switch roles. Throughout the conversation, the participants constantly repeat the phrase: „Słuchamy, nie oceniamy” [Eng.”We listen, we don’t judge”].

If the trend is approached with humor and a sense of detachment, it can be entertaining. To some extent, it also encourages the idea of creating a space where everyone can openly talk about their emotions and experiences without fear of criticism or judgment. It highlights the need to build stronger relationships based on understanding and empathy. However, as such public exposure carries the risk of being harmful, it is advisable to approach this trend with caution.

Examples of use:

  1. https://www.tiktok.com/@haaipapi/video/7443132479864605954
  2. https://www.tiktok.com/@pysia67/video/7443005994080259350
  3. https://www.tiktok.com/@brutamerica/video/7442051334288870702
  4. Wojewódzki / Kędzierski, https://www.instagram.com/p/DGISOA7sgrb/
  5. https://www.instagram.com/synmojegotaty/reel/DDIDiTcO5H4/

See also:

Młode głowy, https://www.instagram.com/mlode_glowy/reel/DDpW9Q0ISdQ/

„Słuchamy i nie oceniamy” – w rozmowach, https://pytanienasniadanie.tvp.pl/84369836/sluchamy-i-nie-oceniamy-w-rozmowach

Ilość słów: 322


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