Home page » Cultural Toolkit » kiksy


‘Shoes, most often men’s shoes.’ The singular form of the noun ‘kiks’ originally denoted a ‘mistake, misstep, or misunderstanding.’ The new meaning has become established in the plural, similar to other slang forms with the ‘-ksy’ suffix (e.g. ‘soksy’ [Eng. ‘socks’], ‘oksy’ [Eng. Glasses]) in youth speak.

In commercial discourse, it typically has a narrower meaning – the synonym of sneakers.

The word is popular in direct communication and on social media.


Examples of use:

[own translation]

  1. You’re kiksy are cool!
  2. Oh! You’ve bought great kiksy.
  3. The first rule is – the stranger your kiksy are, the better! /overheard/
Ilość słów: 102


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