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‘a person who has a high-pitched voice, behaves in a childish or immature way; someone who acts like a child’

The word is a derivative (a shortened innovation) from the word castrato ‘a man who has undergone castration, formerly a singer, whose testicles were surgically removed just before puberty in order to preserve his high-pitched voice’.

The word was already listed in 2022 (see https://www.miejski.pl/slowo-kasti) and originates from the online gaming community. It is considered offensive.

Examples of use:

  1. I look at what a kasti has put on / https://www.tiktok.com/@hubertfanthanosa/video/7473763767096986902
  2. I’m afraid of people who don’t know what kasti is[post comment: I’m afraid of people who call me kasti, but kasti is already taken] / https://www.tiktok.com/@_igul.ka_/video/7459825304475864342
  3. Kasti tells stories about 118 meters /https://www.tiktok.com/@wiktor.richert/video/7449802719646321942
  4. Kasti means that a person looks or acts like a childhttps://www.tiktok.com/@projektink/video/7430884438457814294
  5. What a kasti he is!/overheard/
Ilość słów: 163


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