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diss / diss na

“A response to a provocation, (witty) retort, negative comment about a person, phenomenon, or thing; complaining about something.”

In hip-hop culture, a diss is a track intended to mock, insult, or belittle another artist. The target of a diss can also include individuals outside the industry (e.g., Mata – Diss on Prof. *****), as well as behaviors, phenomena, or even objects (Diss on love, Diss on alarm clocks, Diss on Kia). The term was formed in English by shortening the word “disrespect,” meaning “to mock, insult, belittle; an insult” . See also: dissować / zdissować kogoś. See /https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=diss/. See. dissować/ zdissować kogoś.

The phrase “diss na…” gained popularity due to the trending TikTok hashtag #disnabudziki, referencing a song by the young rapper Antony Esca. TikTokers dance to the beat of the song Diss na budziki, concluding the performance with a turn to the side and a motion suggesting they are about to fall to the ground and sleep.

Examples of diss include Diss na Prof. Maty, Diss na miłość, stickxr, Diss na frajera, DISS NA SZUMO, Michała Lei, Diss na servusa, Natzu.

Examples of use:

1 “Did someone get punked and record a diss? We’ll respond!”/https://www.miejski.pl/slowo-Diss/

2 “Today, the first rap diss on… the Kia Sportage premiered.”/ https://rallyandrace.pl/pierwszy-rapowy-diss-na-samochod/

3 “Sentino released the promised DISS on SBM Label.” / https://vibez.pl/kultura/sentino-wypuscil-obiecany-diss-na-sbm-label-wielkie-gwiazdy-bez-kasy-przebrane-bialasy-6757440864709248a

4 “Write a song titled ‘Diss on Teachers’.” „Diss na nauczycieli” /https://brainly.pl/zadanie/22147013

5 “Such a diss on a buddy is cringe.” /Z/

6 “Of course, because in the group, there are always tough guys. Let him quickly recover and record a diss on them, grab a few million views, and it’ll be all good. They built the guy up, and now it’s ‘I’m your fan, bro’ America. Not to mention that they’re probably not even connected to him or his sales. They probably just read headlines about him, and now the call of righteousness has been heard. But that’s just a guess.” https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0fPGAXByQ3yLciGE3iAcQ3nYHH8SBpVNygASe74mtUbSkVxYWLCzgRp99HK7rMiHil&id=100044393890632

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