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“Detachment from reality, illusions, false hopes, mirages.”

The word originates from the English term “delusion,” and it refers to imagined, rather than real, romantic relationships. It is closer to a state of unreciprocated infatuation than to a true mutual relationship. It is termed a delusionship, and individuals experiencing these states are referred to as delulugirls and deluluboys.

The word’s popularity is mainly due to fans of K-pop who, infatuated with their idols (crushes), created so-called fanfics—collages, narratives, comics, etc.—depicting themselves as protagonists in a romantic relationship with their beloved figures.

Read more: https://natemat.pl/501563,delelu-gilr-i-delulu-boy-to-zwiazkowi-marzyciele-tworza-delusionship.

Examples of use:

  1. “I’ll tell you how to be delulu, okay? (…) just visualize everything.”


  1. “Zuzka, what’s wrong with you? Delulu?” /H/


  1. “Delulu #dc #foryou: me adding a selfie to my story and imagining how my crush reacts.”


Ilość słów: 159


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