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‘weirdo, oddball, a person who behaves strangely or shows deviations from the norm’

Pronunciation: [krip]

The word originates from colloquial English, where the adjective creepy means ‘scary, strange, unnatural, causing fear.’ One of its meanings—according to the Cambridge Dictionary—also relates to disapproved sexual behaviors.

In Polish slang, the noun creep refers not only to a person whose behavior is odd, deviating from the norm, or contrary to social rules but also to someone with pedophilic tendencies. The popularization of this latter meaning may have been influenced by the so-called Pandoragate.

See also the rock ballad Creep (the debut single) by the band Radiohead: https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creep.

Examples of use:

1.Stuu is just a creep /H/

2.How to stop being a creep and start making friends? / /https://zapytaj.onet.pl/Category/002,018/2,31967957,Jak_przestac_byc_creepy_i_zaczac_

3.Why you can be called a creep despite good intentions, and why women have a lower tolerance for weirdness https://medium.com/@zuzam/boimy-si%C4%99-dziwnych-facet%C3%B3w-c8cde4699d6a

4.Is he a creep or do I stink? / https://www.wattpad.com/1110024667-zmierzch-ale-oc-jest-normalna-on-jest-creepem-czy

5.Horner’s messages leaked, what a creep he is ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) #f1 / f1 /https://wykop.pl/wpis/75079639/wyciekly-wiadomosci-hornera-co-za-creep-z-niego-0-

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