Home page » Cultural Toolkit » -awka


Neologisms with the suffix –awka create names for discussion groups that emerge in social media, focused on various topics. The origin is associated with the acronym JBwA (‘Jak będzie w Akapie’ – How will it be in AKAP). Each thematic section (there are over 5,000) has hundreds of thousands of members. For example, the largest of them are: Ciekawostkawka (Curiosity Group) with 237,934 members, Słodziawka – a section for cute images (188,448 members), Rozkminiawska – a section for deep reflections (187,903 members), Perfekcjonizmawka (Perfectionism Group) with 170,683 members, and even Składniawka – a section for alternative Polish language (88,427 members) (see https://sekcje.github.io/,  , accessed 25.05.2021). Numerous virtual communities of this type arise in response to the playful needs of participants (fun and humor, sharing interesting facts, enjoying time together) and do not signify lasting social bonds or any communal obligations.

Ilość słów: 134


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