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‘obsolete, from another era, unfashionable’.

In general language, the word analog in general language refers to the representation of physical quantities that change continuously (rather than in discrete steps as in digital systems). It is the antonym of the word digital, which refers to a modern way of encoding signals by converting data into binary code. Digital technology, associated with the digitization and computerization of the modern world, syymbolizes progress in contrast to analog technology.

Read more at: https://it-pomoc.pl/komputer/analogowy

Examples of usage:

  1. this cell phone, it’s some kind of analog one [analogowy]! /Heard/
  2. analog [analogowy] divine horror/ https://www.hejto.pl/wpis/analogowy-horror-bozy-https-youtu-be-py4bpgyqk-k-szkolna17
  3. The analog [analogowy]man does not deny the digital man, the analog men embrace their title, put vinyl records on the turntable, as well as listen to their music and crackle with adoration / https://obserwatorium-mlodziezy.ujk.edu.pl/wp-admin/post-new.php

[The quotations have been translated from the Polish language]




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