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The emoticon has been popular on the Twitch.tv broadcasting platform since 2012. It means grief, sadness, disappointment. It appears in the form of a word and a crying pink ‘smiley face’ . It is also a graphic symbol of a loser or a sign of sarcasm. The graphic version of BibleThump also appears as one of the emoticons in the Discord communicator. In it’s original form, it appears not only on the Internet, but also on T-shirts, sweatshirts, and gadgets. It depicts one of the characters from the game The Binding of Isaac – Isaac, who is crying. The expression refers to English bible thumpers, where it means people who aggressively persuade to their religious views.


Read more: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/biblethump



Example of usage:


– Okay, so viewers, well, we’re moving on to round number two and now the tagger * is me. BibleThump! /


*tagger ‘person who categorizes content, assigns markings or keywords – tags’.

Ilość słów: 161


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