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[Eng. BUMP – Bring Up My Post]


An acronym derived from the English expression: bring up my post ‘raise my post’. The Polish meaning: ‘God lift my post’(Boże unieś mój post) is secondary. It usually occurs in comments under a post on a social networking site and denotes a desire to refresh the topic and increase the reach of a given post. Commented posts are displayed again at the recipients. Marking the activity of a post’s readers by posting the word BUMP is called bumping. People who react to a post in this way are referred to as bumpers, those who like the post, i.e. “give a like” – as likers, and the rest who displayed the post but left no reaction as scrollers.



Examples of usage:


  1. give a bump or you’ll end up like him /https://m.facebook.com/pg/bumperZiomal/posts/


  1. We wanted to bump cenzopost on Facebook, but unfortunately, the admins were faster, deleted the post, and gave everyone a 7 days ban / https://dyktanda.pl/




  1. Bumper over everyone.


  1. Liker homeboy, cheers


  1. Because of scrollers righteous grandmothers look at the world from behind prison bars /https://m.facebook.com/pg/bumperZiomal/posts/.
Ilość słów: 207


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