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sześćdziesiona / 60

‘An informer, whistleblower’. The name comes from Article 60 of the Penal Code on extraordinary mitigation of punishment and a minor crown witness (par. 3 and 4) and means a person who snitches, informs on others, testifies against them, protecting themselves. See: konfitura.

Reflections on the relationship between the ‘sześćdziesiona’ and Article 60 of the Penal Code can be read in the post Dogmas of the criminal on Facebook.com. See: https://www.facebook.com/dogmatykarnisty/posts/461011165370536

Examples of use:

  1. Sześćdziesiona, will inform on his best mate without scruples /Comment on the website: https://slang.pl/60-2/
  2. Młody – Ty sześćdziesiono! Did you snitch on me to our parents?! /From a conversation between siblings/
  3. I don’t talk to 60! /H/
Ilość słów: 118


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