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/Eng. away from keyboard/

An abbreviation used to describe being offline or unable (usually temporarily) to participate in an online game or conversation. Substitute in MMO (‘Massively Multiplayer Online Game’), it replaces the popular Polish abbreviation zw (‘be right back’.)


Example of usage:

[The quotations have been translated from the Polish language]

– Why doesn’t he move when they push our top*?

– Because he’s been AFK for five minutes / a conversation between League of Legends players/.

*push ‘push, attack’.

*top ‘top lane’

More information: https://www.komputerswiat.pl/gamezilla/aktualnosci/slownik-gracza-league-of-legends-czesc-2-czyli-jak-zrozumiec-co-mowia-do-siebie-fani/npwzzf7


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